Monday 17 October 2011

Variety Of Drinks

In Malaysia, all of us can drink many type of water.
As Malaysian we should know the variety of drinks.
Below are the axample the drinking type that usually chosen of Malaysian.....

Tea O Panas

Tea O Ais

Tea Panas

Tea Ais

Kopi Panas

Kopi O Ais

Kopi Panas

Kopi Ais

Nescaffe Panas

Nescaffe Ais

Horlick Panas
Horlick Ais

Milo Panas

Milo Ais

Here also include the fruits drink.
For example......=)

Apple Ice Blend

Apple Juice

Apple Milk Shake

Carrot Ib
 Carrot Milk Shake

Carrot Juice

Kiwi ib

Kiwi Juice

Kiwi Shake

Mango ib

Mango Juice

Mango Milk Shake

Pineapple ib

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple Milk Shake

Watermelon ib

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon ms

That's all for drinks type.............=)
...Let's enjoy all of these....=)

 This movie done before creating these blog..huhuhuhu..
For review all of above types of drink...

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