Monday 17 October 2011


Flower gift is suitable for all function or celebration.
Usually, the gift of flower according to the function.

Flower Gift 1

This flower is suitable for decoration in our house. It can be put in living room.
This type of flower will make the living room look become bigger. 
Price : RM 56.00

Flower Gift 2

This flower is suitable for graduation day. It can make someone become more happily.


Flower Gift 3

This flower is very suitable as Valentine gift. It will show our sincerity or honesty to our partner.
RM 99.00

Flower Gift 4

 This flower is suitable for decoration on corner desk.
It is very beautiful flower that can make the house be more interesting.

Flower Gift 5

 It also can be a gift to patient.
This flower can make the patient feel lovingly.

Flower Gift 6
The flower is suitable for wedding gift.
The flower can make the bridge become more


Flower Gift 7

Suitable for giving to our beloved person.

Flower Gift 8

    It suitable for Valentine ggift.
    It will show the loviness.


Flower Gift 9

The flower can ,make as accessory on the
 table to make the table do not look empty.


Flower Gift 10

The gift is usually suitable for the ceremony.


Flower Gift 11

The  flower is suitable for to make the table in living room more exclusive.


That's all for flower gift.

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